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Tif Sudela-Junker has extensive knowledge of trauma, neuroscience, and is an exceptional trainer with a practical, scenario-based approach to coaching that encourages participants to develop new skills. Through this opportunity participants will be able to participate in an intensive 2-day virtual RISE Training (Relational Integrative Supportive Experiences), an engaging and interactive, skill building opportunity.

The RISE Relational Mentor Training curriculum is an innovative approach, utilizing the best available research on neuroscience, trauma-informed care, resiliency, the science of hope, adult-learning, capacity/skill-building, and behavioral interventions.

This opportunity begins with an intensive training (RISE Relational Mentor Training) led by XParenting, followed by a 9-month Community of Practice (COP) facilitated by Kitsap Strong and XParenting, to reinforce the skills learned in the training, expand the learning as needed, and to form connection with other caring adults in the region. The RISE Relational Mentor Training is an experiential, neuroscience, and scenario/story-based curriculum that provides rich opportunities for mentors to learn new skills through practice, modeling, and coaching. Participants who complete the full 8-hour RISE training will receive a customized “regulation kit,” full of developmentally appropriate resources for both the caring adult (mentor) and youth/child(ren) they support to reinforce the self/co-regulation skills developed through the training experience.

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